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Dog Ringworm: What Does Ringworm Look Like on a Dog?

Although ringworms in dogs may not seem harmful at first, they can cause more significant issues if not treated promptly. Our vets at Zeeland will provide all the necessary information for dog owners to identify and treat ringworms.

What is ringworm?

Surprisingly, ringworm is not in the same category as hookworm, roundworm, or tapeworm. It's not a worm at all. This fungal infection leaves circular or semi-circular bald spots and rashes on the skin. Ringworm gets its name from the ring-like or worm-like shape seen on raised (due to swelling) and red skin rashes.

What does a ringworm look like on a dog?

Ringworm characteristically appears in a circular or ring-shaped pattern on the skin, usually causing the skin to turn red, lose hair, and swell up.

Ringworm in your dog may not present itself in such a noticeable manner, so you should keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Inflamed, red skin rash
  • Scales that look like dandruff
  • Itchiness (pruritus)
  • Dry, brittle hair with hair follicles that break easily
  • Circular or patchy areas of hair loss (alopecia)

  • Darkened skin (hyperpigmentation)
  • Reddened skin (erythema)
  • Scabs or raised nodular lesions on the skin
  • Inflamed folds of the skin around the claws or bordering the nails

If you notice any combination of these symptoms in your pup, contact a vet immediately.

How does a dog get a ringworm?

Ringworm can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected animal or from contaminated objects such as towels, food or water bowls, couches, or carpets. The fungus spores can survive for months, so ringworm can be spread through the fur that your dog has shed. The fungus can also remain on surfaces or get trapped in the fibers of carpets, drapes, and linens if not cleaned.

Dogs often contract this fungal infection from playing outdoors, as some fungus forms can live freely in the soil. A dog's immune system may be able to fight off the fungus, or it may develop into a localized or more widespread skin infection, depending on factors such as the dog’s overall health, the species of fungus, the part of the body affected, and the dog’s age.

Sometimes, a pet can be a carrier of ringworm without showing any visible symptoms. If your dog has been diagnosed with ringworm, having your other pets checked by a veterinarian is a good idea to be safe. You should also inform fellow dog owners and dog-walking buddies that your dog has been infected and is being treated and advise them to watch for signs of ringworm in their pets.

How long does it take to quarantine a dog with ringworm?

Quarantining a dog with ringworm typically lasts about two to four weeks. Still, the exact duration can vary depending on several factors, including the infection's severity, the treatment's effectiveness, and how well the environment is managed to prevent reinfection. 

How is ringworm treated?

If your pet is diagnosed with ringworm, several effective treatments are available. Your vet will assist you in selecting the best solution for your dog based on the severity of the ringworm problem.

The treatment process is straightforward, with few complications if the fungus is treated promptly. Your vet will likely prescribe a topical medication to apply to the skin or an oral anti-fungal medication for your pup.

Decontaminating your home environment to remove any contaminated elements may also be recommended. Additionally, your vet may suggest shaving the fur around your dog's more infected areas.

It's important not to assume your dog is cured because it stops showing symptoms. Continue with the treatment until your vet declares it cured.

How to prevent ringworm in dogs? 

Preventing ringworm in dogs involves maintaining good hygiene, regular grooming, and taking proactive measures to reduce exposure to the fungus that causes the infection. Here are some effective strategies to prevent ringworm in dogs:

  • Frequently clean and disinfect areas where your dog spends time, including bedding, crates, toys, and grooming tools. Use water and bleach (1:10 ratio) to kill fungal spores.
  • Bathe your dog regularly using antifungal shampoos, especially if they are at higher risk or have been exposed to infected environments.
  • Brush your dog’s coat regularly to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair, reducing the chances of fungal growth.
  • Provide a well-balanced diet of essential nutrients to strengthen your dog’s immune system. A healthy immune system can help prevent infections, including ringworm.
  • Supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy skin and coat, should be considered.
  • Schedule regular vet visits to monitor your dog’s health and catch any potential issues early.
  • Ensure your dog is up-to-date on all vaccinations and preventive treatments. Although there is no vaccine for ringworm, maintaining overall health is crucial.
  • Keep your dog away from known infected animals, as ringworm is highly contagious.
  • If you bring a new pet into your home, check them for ringworm and other infections before introducing them to your existing pets.
  • Avoid letting your dog play in areas contaminated with fungal spores, such as shared play areas, shelters, or places with poor sanitation.
  • Regularly check your dog’s skin and coat for signs of ringworm, such as circular bald patches, scaly skin, or redness. Early detection can prevent the spread of the infection.
  • If you notice any symptoms of ringworm, consult your veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Since ringworm can spread from pets to humans, wash your hands thoroughly after handling your dog, especially if you suspect they have been exposed to the fungus.
  • Wear gloves when cleaning areas where an infected dog has been, and wash clothes in hot water to prevent spores from spreading.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of your dog contracting ringworm and maintain a healthy, fungus-free environment for your pet.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your pup is showing signs of ringworm, contact our Zeeland vets today to book an appointment.

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